Let's Protect Those Who Have Protected US!
Your support will help us to continue our work with Veterans that are looking for ways to manage Chronic Pain without the use of Opioids.
"Chronic Pain & Opioids Harm Reduction"
CDC Reports Drug Overdose Deaths in 2022
Bringing Non Opioid Alternatives to the Veteran Population & Introducing NEPE14, Currently Available For Humanitarian Use Only Through Omega XI Humanitarian Corporation
A Soldier's Story:
Dannion Brinkley
a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps
Co-Founder of The Twilight Brigade
An Internationally Renowned Author
and Speaker in the field of Spirituality,
and Alternative Medicine for OUR Veterans.
The Twilight Brigade Mission -
No Vet Need Die Alone
The Twilight Brigade is one of the largest end-of-life care communities operating as an independent agency within VA hospitals and hospice care facilities across America.
The Twilight Brigade Chairman, Dannion Brinkley, and the over 9,000 trained volunteers nationwide that collectively make up The Twilight Brigade, are dedicated to being at the bedside of our nation’s dying, especially Veterans.